MTG Guides

Something often discussed in EDH is the notion of playing competitively VS casually. While that does play a roll into adapting your deck for a play group, we are not going to extensively discuss that idea in this article, if you want to read more about that, please check out […]

Let’s Discuss EDH: Adapting Your Deck For Your Playgroup

Tribal Terrors is a series that analyzes different creature types in order to determine whether the creature type and its respective tribe is playable. In this series we will not be exploring popular tribes such as Merfolk and Goblins, but instead lesser known tribes. At the end of the article, ideas […]

Tribal Terrors: Moonfolk

EDH is a format full of variation and personalization. Just think of all the choices you have to make when you’re creating a deck. What strategy do you want to play? What colors do you want to be in? And the most infamous of all: what commander should you use? For many […]

“And I’ll Form the Head!”: An Overview of Voltron

Whether you are playing a standard sized sixty card deck, a one hundred card commander deck, or a forty card draft deck, there is one thing that plagues us all, consistency. Whether you are looking for anything from your next land drop to the final piece of your combo, there is always the […]

The Power of Tutors

If you’re a long time player of Magic, you may already know about many of Magic’s unique formats. However, for many new players, there may be some confusion about the differences between them. Why is there a Legacy and a Vintage? What is the difference besteem EDH and Highlander? Below you will find […]

Guide to the Formats

The reserved list has been a hot topic within the community for a long time, stirring up vast amounts of controversy throughout Magic’s history. The question everyone asks is: should it be abolished? Obviously, it has caused great deals of problems among newer players, making it almost impossible for the […]

Why Wizards Can’t Just Get Rid of the Reserved List

Magic the Gathering has a very deep and intricate lore that has influenced design choices and set themes for years. However the most fundamental aspects of Magic’s lore are the color cycles. White, Blue, Red, Black, and Green all have their own unique characteristics and takes on the world. While […]

Quick Look at Magic The Gathering Color Lore

With the recently released in full swing, many players have been wondering what Wizards’ announcement in September about the Masterpiece series means for the Magic community as a whole. How is such a print cycle going to affect the limited environment? How is it going to affect prices in Standard? And will it […]

Masterpieces in Every Set?