
Originally I was going to write an article about how the Legacy meta game might turn out in light of the recent banning of Top. However because everyone else has already discussed that to the point of redundancy, I’ve decided to write specifically about Miracles and what happens to the […]

Legacy: So What Now for Miracles Decks?

While it is too early to tell for certain which cards from Magic’s newest set, Amonkhet, will be seeing play in eternal formats, there are definitely some very powerful contenders. Some of which have a very high potential to make entirely new strategies in various formats possibly altering entire meta […]

Amonkhet’s Impact on Eternal Formats

The first cards and mechanics from Amonkhet have already begun trickling out of research and design. While it’s not one hundred percent confirmed as real, the new Dusk // Dawn card is quite interesting, having caused quite a stir within the community.  Whether you like it or hate its aesthetic design, the mechanics of this […]

Dusk // Dawn – New Amonkhet Card Spoiled?

The reserved list has been a hot topic within the community for a long time, stirring up vast amounts of controversy throughout Magic’s history. The question everyone asks is: should it be abolished? Obviously, it has caused great deals of problems among newer players, making it almost impossible for the […]

Why Wizards Can’t Just Get Rid of the Reserved List

With the recent full release of the Kaladesh block many aspects of various Standard decks have been significantly affected, and even some new increasingly powerful strategies have cropped up, such as Saheeli Combo. But how has this block begun to alter the eternal scene? What cards in it can we […]

Kaladesh Block Charging Into Eternal Formats

With the release of Modern Masters 2017 on the horizon, there is much speculation about what should be in the set. With card prices rising, and a slim chance of many of these cards being reprinted in a legal Standard set, Modern Masters may be our only hope to help the affordability […]

Top Eight Cards for Modern Masters 2017

What will happen to now? Will one of the most important Standard cards in recent history find a new place to be played?The recent Standard bannings have sent waves of controversy through the community. While for many, the banning of was quite welcome, the restriction wasn't exactly the same case. With Standard completely […]

Smuggler’s Copter: What Now? (Legacy, Frontier)

With the recently released in full swing, many players have been wondering what Wizards’ announcement in September about the Masterpiece series means for the Magic community as a whole. How is such a print cycle going to affect the limited environment? How is it going to affect prices in Standard? And will it […]

Masterpieces in Every Set?

Eldrazi Stompy – much like the events of Zendikar – ravaged through almost every format during the early 2016 season. Much like their story-driven counterparts, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, EDH, and even Standard saw an insurgence in Eldrazi-based decks. With the EDH and Standard decks fairly balanced, all seemed to be going […]

Legacy: Eldrazi Aggro Losing Popularity?

With FNM attendance in an alarming downswing, Wizards has responded. Standard as a format rarely, if ever, sees bans, since sets are usually carefully designed to work together. Wizards of the Coast’s recent choice to ban not only , but  and , as well, was incredibly controversial. A lot of people would agree […]

Post-Aether Revolt/Bannings: State of Standard