
Every format has its share of top decks – Legacy had Miracles, Modern had Jund (and currently Death’s Shadow Aggro), and for the moment Standard has Mardu Vehicles. But are these top decks truly the best and most optimized decks that could be played in said format? Just because public […]

Are “Top Tier” Decks Truly The Best?

The first cards and mechanics from Amonkhet have already begun trickling out of research and design. While it’s not one hundred percent confirmed as real, the new Dusk // Dawn card is quite interesting, having caused quite a stir within the community.  Whether you like it or hate its aesthetic design, the mechanics of this […]

Dusk // Dawn – New Amonkhet Card Spoiled?

If you’re a long time player of Magic, you may already know about many of Magic’s unique formats. However, for many new players, there may be some confusion about the differences between them. Why is there a Legacy and a Vintage? What is the difference besteem EDH and Highlander? Below you will find […]

Guide to the Formats

With FNM attendance in an alarming downswing, Wizards has responded. Standard as a format rarely, if ever, sees bans, since sets are usually carefully designed to work together. Wizards of the Coast’s recent choice to ban not only , but  and , as well, was incredibly controversial. A lot of people would agree […]

Post-Aether Revolt/Bannings: State of Standard