
Articles on format specific deck lists, news, rule changes, bannings and unbannings.

Something often discussed in EDH is the notion of playing competitively VS casually. While that does play a roll into adapting your deck for a play group, we are not going to extensively discuss that idea in this article, if you want to read more about that, please check out […]

Let’s Discuss EDH: Adapting Your Deck For Your Playgroup

The land is full of untapped potential, beneath its soil churn heaps of wealth and power only the most powerful and experienced of mages can withstand. Upon its surface lay in wait great titans more ancient than the mountains themselves. Scouring vast forests of undergrowth they protect their territories from all […]

Sylvan Stories: An Explorer’s Guide to RG Scapeshift

Throughout my time deck building and brewing for commander I’ve found one specific aspect of building decks for the format to be incredibly important. And thus I present my concept of: Consistency within Inconsistency Now this phrase alone probably doesn’t mean much to you. You’re probably wondering, “What in the […]

EDH: Consistency Within Inconsistency

Every format has its share of top decks – Legacy had Miracles, Modern had Jund (and currently Death’s Shadow Aggro), and for the moment Standard has Mardu Vehicles. But are these top decks truly the best and most optimized decks that could be played in said format? Just because public […]

Are “Top Tier” Decks Truly The Best?

EDH is a format full of variation and personalization. Just think of all the choices you have to make when you’re creating a deck. What strategy do you want to play? What colors do you want to be in? And the most infamous of all: what commander should you use? For many […]

“And I’ll Form the Head!”: An Overview of Voltron

Originally I was going to write an article about how the Legacy meta game might turn out in light of the recent banning of Top. However because everyone else has already discussed that to the point of redundancy, I’ve decided to write specifically about Miracles and what happens to the […]

Legacy: So What Now for Miracles Decks?

While it is too early to tell for certain which cards from Magic’s newest set, Amonkhet, will be seeing play in eternal formats, there are definitely some very powerful contenders. Some of which have a very high potential to make entirely new strategies in various formats possibly altering entire meta […]

Amonkhet’s Impact on Eternal Formats

Anyone who has played Magic has seen the power of artifacts. These colorless spells have been around since the release of Alpha, and even then, they were extremely powerful. From these small (but by no means humble) beginnings, artifacts have turned into one of Magic’s most notorious spell types. Morridon […]

“Fighting The Machine”: A Commentary on Artifacts in EDH

Recently, I’ve started experimenting with different EDH decks. At first, I had a , Elf-based combo deck, but this deck quickly became boring, and felt underpowered to the group I was playing with. So I began searching for a new deck to play. After trying several different brews, I came up with the idea […]

EDH: Best Equipment to Run

The first cards and mechanics from Amonkhet have already begun trickling out of research and design. While it’s not one hundred percent confirmed as real, the new Dusk // Dawn card is quite interesting, having caused quite a stir within the community.  Whether you like it or hate its aesthetic design, the mechanics of this […]

Dusk // Dawn – New Amonkhet Card Spoiled?

If you’re a long time player of Magic, you may already know about many of Magic’s unique formats. However, for many new players, there may be some confusion about the differences between them. Why is there a Legacy and a Vintage? What is the difference besteem EDH and Highlander? Below you will find […]

Guide to the Formats

Countless strategies exist for Magic’s popular Commander format. While many players start out with the preconstructed decks or the most popularly-used generals, there are so many other strategies out there, just waiting to be discovered. So today, we are going to be exploring some underrated generals that are all solid […]

Underrated EDH Generals

Decks in Legacy always have a specific goal. Some want to chain together spells, others want to bring back gigantic demons from the dead, while others want to make sure that their opponents can’t have fun. This deck fits into several categories. It disrupts the playstyle of our opponent, aggressively attacks, creates […]

Legacy: Sylvan Stompy

With the recent full release of the Kaladesh block many aspects of various Standard decks have been significantly affected, and even some new increasingly powerful strategies have cropped up, such as Saheeli Combo. But how has this block begun to alter the eternal scene? What cards in it can we […]

Kaladesh Block Charging Into Eternal Formats

With the release of Modern Masters 2017 on the horizon, there is much speculation about what should be in the set. With card prices rising, and a slim chance of many of these cards being reprinted in a legal Standard set, Modern Masters may be our only hope to help the affordability […]

Top Eight Cards for Modern Masters 2017

What will happen to now? Will one of the most important Standard cards in recent history find a new place to be played?The recent Standard bannings have sent waves of controversy through the community. While for many, the banning of was quite welcome, the restriction wasn't exactly the same case. With Standard completely […]

Smuggler’s Copter: What Now? (Legacy, Frontier)

Eldrazi Stompy – much like the events of Zendikar – ravaged through almost every format during the early 2016 season. Much like their story-driven counterparts, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, EDH, and even Standard saw an insurgence in Eldrazi-based decks. With the EDH and Standard decks fairly balanced, all seemed to be going […]

Legacy: Eldrazi Aggro Losing Popularity?

With FNM attendance in an alarming downswing, Wizards has responded. Standard as a format rarely, if ever, sees bans, since sets are usually carefully designed to work together. Wizards of the Coast’s recent choice to ban not only , but  and , as well, was incredibly controversial. A lot of people would agree […]

Post-Aether Revolt/Bannings: State of Standard